Some time ago, I bought a KlikAanKlikUit set which contains a remote control and three sockets. It operates on 433Mhz. I also have a cheap 433Mhz transmitter/receiver set from Ebay. With these cheap antenna's, it is possible to make an extra remote control, which can be controlled from an Arduino.
In order to use the cheap transmitters, the protocol must be known. I hooked up a logic analyser to the cheap receiver to pick up signals from the original remote.
Each message consists of a start-pulse and a series of numbers represented by the number of pulses in a shorter sequence. I only decoded the following messages:
CH1 ON: 221322132122232221223222132132212
CH3 ON: 221322132122232221223222132132131
CH3 OFF: 221322132122232221223222132222131
- Pulses are approx. 0.225 ms long.
- Between pulses of same 'number': Approx. 0.38 ms
- Start with single pulse follwed by 2.722 ms
- Each 'number' is followed by a delay of 1.32 ms.
Example code
An example of flashing channel 3 with an Arduino is found on my github page.