[September 1, 2024] I am currently migrating my blog away from WordPress. I am trying to keep all url's and content the same. This is a work in progress. The old WordPress website is archived and available at https://archive.bartslinger.com. This is all in markdown now, which is awesome. Maybe I blog about that later.


My name is Bart Slinger. I'm a master student in the MAVLab at the faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft. My graduation project involves a Walkera Genius CP V2 model helicopter, which I will program to fly autonomously. Furthermore I have great interest in embedded programming and electronics design. I set up this website mainly for myself to remember what I've done in the past with hobby and professional projects. By sharing this information with the world, I hopefully can help out others as well with their projects.


Cory Hammond - June 26, 2016 at 4:16 am

Hi Bart,

Hi, im wondering if you have any more pictures of the assembled pcb for the weller clone soldering station. Iā€™m new to the small smd components and building my own electronics, i think some pictures would help me wrap my head around what Iā€™m in store for once i get my shipment of parts. Thanks for any help you can give me.

John - October 18, 2017 at 7:03 pm

Hello Bart,

I have been hoping for an IOTA hardware wallet for a long time ā€“ and just stumbled across your GitHub, and even with recent commits. So I assume it is being actively developed! šŸ™‚ I was just wondering if you have any idea of when (roughly) the Trezor could support IOTA? Are we talking weeks, or months, or is it not even sure it will happen?

Thank you for making an effort to support IOTA on the Trezor!

Kind regards